"The Prophet s.a.w.w said to Ali a.s, Fatima s.a, Hassan a.s
and Hussain a.s"I am in war with that person who is at war with
We can clearly understand the special status of Imam Ali,
Lady Fatimah, Hasan and Husain that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) announced "I
am in war with that person who is in war with you and I am in peace with that
person who is in peace with you">>>
English Translation:>>>
Sayyidina Zayd ibn Arqam (RA) reported that Allah’s
Messenger (SAW) said to Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husain,>>>
"I am in war with that person who is in war with you
and I am in peace with that person who is in peace with you">>>
Ref: Jammiya Tarimdhi Hadees no 1804 Jild NO 2 Page No 764 (3870)>>>
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