"Special Status of Imam Ali(as)"
These are proven narrations among Sunni fellows that the
Holy Prophet (pbuh) closed the doors opening towards the mosque of the Prophet
except Imam Ali's door. The objection was raised even from the Uncle of the
Prophet. The Prophet said "I did not ordered on my own, Allah ordered me
to do so.">>>
It shows the special status of Imam Ali (as) in
Imam Nisai also mentioned such narration in Al-
English Translation:>>>
Abu Sa’eed (RA) reported that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said
to Ali,>>>
“0 Ali, it is not allowed to anyone to be in a state of
seminal impurity in this mosque, except for me and you.”>>>
Ali ibn Mundhir said that he asked Dirar ibn Surad the meaning
of this hadith. He said,>>>
“It is not allowed to anyone except me and you to make it a
thoroughfare in a defiled state”>>>
This is graded as Hassan Hadith>>>
Ref: Jammiya Tarimzee Hadees no 1661 Jild No 2 Page No 716 (3727)>>>
Here is another narration English Translation:>>>
Sayyidina Ibn Abbas (RA) reported that the Prophet commanded
that all doors should be closed (that opened in the mosque) except the door of
Ref: Jammiya Tarimzee Hadees no 1665 Jild No 2, Page No 717
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