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Monday, 30 May 2016

Ali a.s will fight on the interpretation of Quran

"Ali a.s will fight on the interpretation of Quran"

These narrations clearly say that Imam Ali(as) will fight on the interpretation of Quran after the Holy Prophet. We know already that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) declared about Imam Ali. The Prophet said “Ali is from me and I am from Ali, he is responsible to carry my message (hadith e Ghadir), No one can convey on my behalf except myself or Ali.” We also know this bitter reality that unfortunately who fought with Imam Ali and thousands of people got killed!>>>

English Translation>>>

Sayyidina Ali ibn Abu Talib said at Rahbah: During the peace of Hudaybiyah, a number of idolaters came to us. Suhayl ibn Amr and other chiefs were among them. They said,>>>

“0 Messenger of Allah, many people have come to you from our children, our brothers and our slaves. And they have no understanding of religion. They have only escaped from our wealth and our properties. So, return them to us. If they lack an understanding of religion, we shall make them understand.”>>>

So, the Prophet (SAW) said,>>>

“0 company of Quraysh, desist! If not then Allah will impose on you such people as will strike your necks with swrlds for religion. Allah has tried their hearts for faith.”>>>

They asked, “Who is he, 0 Messenger of Allah?”.>>>

Abu Bakr (RA) asked him, “Who is he, 0 Messenger of Allah?”>>>

And Umar(RA) asked, “Who is he, 0 Messenger of Allah?”>>>

He said, “He is the one who mends sandals,” and he had given his sandals to Ali to mend them. Then Ali turned to them and said: Allah’s Messenger said,>>>

“If anyone forges a lie on me intentionally then let him find his place in Hell.”>>>

Ref: Jammiya Trimzee Hadees no 1649 Page No 711 (3715)>>>

Read another Narration "The Prophet's (s.a.w.w) confidential talk with Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib a.s" Click here


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