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Monday, 30 May 2016

No one can convey on my behalf except myself and Ali a.s>>>

"No one can convey on my behalf except myself and Ali a.s"

This is a proven true narration in Sunni sources, Imam Tirmidhi also wrote this, it clearly says that “Ali is from me and I am from Ali. No one can convey on my behalf except myself or Ali .”>>>

We can also note that Allah(swt) and his Prophet (pbuh) did not give Abu Bakar the responsibility to recite some verses of Surah Taubah, how can it be possible for Abu Bakar to have authority to interpret the whole Quran?>>>

English Translation:>>>

Sayyidina Hubshi ibn Junadah reported that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said,>>>

“All is from me and I from Ali and none shall represent me except myself or Ali.”>>>

Imam Tirmidhi graded this as Hassan Sahih.>>>

Ref: Jammiya Trimzee Hadees no 1653 Jild No 2 Page No 712 (3719)>>>

Read another Narration "Hadith E Ghadir, anybody who acknowledge me as Master, Ali a.s is his Master" Click here


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