"The Holy Prophet (pbuh) showed love for Imam Ali
This hadith is mentioned in Khasais al Nissai in more
details. This narration shows the Prophet’s special love for Imam Ali, the Holy
Prophet(pbuh) prayed “O Allah send to me your most beloved person from your
creation”, the Holy Prophet did not allow Abu Bakar and Umar, the holy Prophet
allowed only Imam Ali. This is true narration in Sunni sources.>>>
English Translation:>>>
Sayyidina Anas ibn Maalik (RA) reported that the Prophet
(SAW) had bird meat once. He said,>>>
“0 Allah, send to me from Your creatures one who is dearest
to You that he may eat with me this bird.”>>>
So, Ali came to him and ate with him.>>>
Ref: Jammiya Trimzee Hadees no 1655 Jild No 2 Page No 713 (3721)>>>
Here is another narration English Translation:>>>
Sayyidina Ali (RA) narrated:>>>
Indeed, the Prophet (SAW) the unlettered Prophet asserted to
“None will love you except a believer and none will despise
you but a hypocrite.”>>>
Ali ibn Thabit said,>>>
“I belong to the generation for whom the Prophet (SAW)
Ref: Jammiya Tarimzee Hadees no 1669 Jild No 2 Page No 718 (3736
Page no 601)>>>
Read another Narration "Imam Ali a.s and Lady Fatima s.a are the most loved for Holy Prophet
s.a.w.w" Click here
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