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Monday, 30 May 2016

Ali a.s is to me as Aaron a.s to Moses a.s

"Ali a.s is to me as Aaron a.s to Moses a.s"

This is a well proven Hadith in Sunni sources, mentioned in Bukhari , Muslim, Trimdhi, Nissaie and other books. We want to understand this hadith in the light of verses of Holy Quran.>>>

Quran reports about Moses and Aaron.>>>

”Moses said, "Lord, grant me courage, Make my task easy, and my tongue fluent, so that they may understand me. Appoint a deputy (for me) from my own family, Aaron, my brother, Strengthen my back by him, And associate him (with me) in my affair, That we may glorify You much, And remember You much, You are Well Aware of our situation." [Allah] said, "You have been granted your request, O Moses.” -Surah Taaha (20: 25-36)>>>

We have mentioned the verses of Quran. So we can understand the position of Aaron to Moses. Now we can easily understand this hadith:>>>

"O Ali; You are to me as Aaron to Moses, the only difference is there is no Prophet after me.">>>

We can also understand from the verses of Holy Quran that Allah(swt) appoints a deputy to the Prophet(pbuh). Not even the Prophet himself or people.>>>

Sayyidina Jabir ibn Abdullah (RA) reported that the Prophet said to Ali, “You are to me like Harun was to Musa, but that there is no Prophet after me.”>>>

Imam Tirmidhi graded the hadith as Hassan(good) Hadith>>>

Ref: Jammiya Tarimzee Hadees no 1664 Page No 717(3730, page no 599)>>>

Here is another narration English Translation:>>>

Sayyidina Sad ibn Abu Waqqas (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said to Ali “You are to me like Harun was to Musa.” (except that there is no Prophet after me).”>>>

This hadith is graded as Hassan and Sahih>>>

Ref: Jammiya Trimzee Hadees no 1663 Page 716(3731)>>>

Read another Narration "No one can convey on my 

behalf except myself and Ali a.s" Click here


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