"Ali is my brother, special one and my deputy"
The Holy Prophet s.a.w.w made this announcement about Imam
Ali(as) since his first invitation to Islam " You are my brother, you are
my special one, and you are my deputy”>>>
Rabia bin Najid narrated:>>>
One person said to Ali ibn Abi Talib “ Oh commander of the
believers, how come you are the inheritor of your cousin (Prophet s.a.w.w
Muhammad s.a.w.w) instead of your uncle?>>>
“ Commander of believer (Ali) said:>>>
“Holy Prophet s.a.w.w gathered all the children of Abdul
Mutalib and prepared small amount of food for them (MUDD) but everybody got
full with the food still that food was remaining in the same amount which Prophet
s.a.w.w made for them.>>>
It seems like nobody touched that food. Then the Holy Prophet
s.a.w.w order for a bowl of water, everybody drank water very well from that bowl
but it looks like nobody drink that water and it was in the same
Then Holy Prophet s.a.w.w said:>>>
“Oh children of Abdul Mutalib, I am sent down to the people
especially for you people…. Who will give his oath of allegiance to me? That person
would be my brother, my special one, my inheritor and my deputy”.>>>
Nobody stood up from those people then I came forward even I
was the youngest one. Then the Holy Prophet s.a.w.w said:>>>
“O Ali, sit down” Holy Prophet s.a.w.w repeated his announcement
3 times I was the one who used to stand up but the Prophet s.a.w.w always tell
me to sit down.>>>
Then the holy Prophet s.a.w.w said it for the third time (I
stood up) the Prophet s.a.w.w put his hand on my hand then said >>>
“You are my brother, you are my special one, and you are my
deputy” >>>
That is why I am the inheritor and successor of my cousin (Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh).
Ref: Sanan Naysayee Hadees No 2/65>>>
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